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Help & Support

We’re here to help you!

At Camorent Crew, we understand that you might have questions about our equipment rentals, crew network, or using our websites.

Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you.

Here are some ways we can help:

  • Equipment Rentals:
    • Need help choosing the right camera or equipment for your project?
    • Have questions about rental rates or availability?
    • Our support team can provide expert advice and ensure you have everything you need.
  • Crew Network:
    • Facing difficulties navigating the crew directory?
    • Unsure how to find the perfect crew member for your project?
    • We can guide you through the process and help you connect with talented individuals.
  • Website Support:
    • Experiencing technical difficulties on our rental website or crew directory?
    • Need help finding specific information or using our platform features?
    • Our team is here to troubleshoot any issues you encounter.

Contact Us:

We offer multiple ways to reach our support team:

24/7 Support:

Our support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions and address your concerns.

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© Camorent Crew